At Hogan's Jewelers we want you to be satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied, you may be able to return your items for refund or in-store credit. Please read through the following information carefully before attempting to return or exchange your product. If you do not comply with store policies, we may not be able to process your return or exchange.
Refunds are accepted within 10 days of purchase. All refunds must be "in new condition" and accompanied by your original receipt or a copy of it. We do not offer returns or refunds on Special Ordered Items, Custom Made Jewelry, Estate and Clearance items. Refunds are subject to restocking fees if alterations have been performed and/or if the item needs polishing.
We recommend bringing us your diamond jewelry for inspection every 6 months. We will inspect the prongs to help prevent any possible damage or loss of your gemstones. This inspection service is free.
Hogan's offers a 12-month layaway plan for any item you desire. We do require an initial 20% deposit of the total purchase price, including tax. Monthly payments are required thereafter. Alterations & adjustments, such as ring sizing, will be made 3 weeks prior to payoff. Expired or cancelled layaways will be assessed a 10% restocking fee and the remaining deposit balance will be utilized as an in-store credit.
If you have questions , please don't hesitate to contact us at:
Hogan's Jewelers
311 West Main Street
Gaylord, MI 49735
(989) 732-4444
Hogan's Jewelers wants to ensure you are happy with your purchase, and we would be happy to work with you to address any concerns you may have or provide more information about our policies should questions arise.